From the Frontlines to the Homeland
Welcome to Les Duncan's World of Leadership, Love, and Resilience
Discover insights from an experienced leader, devoted husband, and survivor.
About Les Duncan
Les is a man with many skills and diversified background. He served as an officer in the United
States Air Force during the Vietnam and COLD wars. His exceptional service was rewarded by
placing him on a fast track for early promotion and with two meritorious service medals. The
first meritorious service medal was awarded for imploding four giant billboard antennas in the
Aleutian Islands as opposed to disassembling them nut by nut and bolt by bolt. This saved
taxpayers $8 million. The second meritorious service medal was awarded for identifying a bad
computer chip in our nuclear early warning system; which resulted in large screen TV's in
strategic command post cities to light up like a Christmas tree, falsely displaying a massive all
out nuclear assault by the Soviet Union on major cities and military installations in the United
States. In doing so, mutual mass destruction nuclear war was avoided.
New Release
They Made You The Boss, Now What?
You will learn how great leaders hire the very best people then remove obstacles and get out of their way so they can do the excellent job they were hired to do.
Other Published Works
They Made You the Boss, Now What Cinematic Book Trailer
Surviving Catastrophic Illness Cinematic Book Trailer
Forty Five Years and Counting
How I Lost 120 Pounds and Kept It Off
Moving House
Overcoming 7 brain surgeries and Finding Hope
Les Duncan's They Made You The Boss, Now What? helped me transition into a leadership role with confidence. His advice is straightforward and easy to apply!

I followed Les' tips for maintaining a healthy marriage, and it’s transformed my relationship with my spouse. I feel like I finally understand how to be a better partner.

Les Duncan’s story of losing 120 pounds gave me the motivation to start my own weight loss journey. His honesty and practical advice make all the difference.

Moving house has always been a stressful experience for me, but Les' guide gave me a clear, practical approach. I wish I had found it sooner!

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- Blacklick, OH, USA